In this section, we show you how to create a new local Miden account and how to receive funds from the public Miden faucet website.

Configure the Miden client

The Miden client facilitates interaction with the Miden rollup and provides a way to execute and prove transactions.

Tip Check the Miden client documentation for more information.

  1. If you haven't already done so as part of another tutorial, open your terminal and create a new directory to store the Miden client.

    mkdir miden-client cd miden-client
  2. Install the Miden client.

    cargo install miden-cli --features concurrent

    You can now use the miden --version command, and you should see Miden 0.7.0.

  3. Initialize the client. This creates the miden-client.toml file.

    miden init --network testnet # Creates a miden-client.toml configured with the testnet node's IP

Create a new Miden account

  1. Create a new account of type mutable using the following command:

    miden new-wallet --mutable
  2. List all created accounts by running the following command:

    miden account -l

    You should see something like this:

    Result of listing miden accounts

Save the account ID for a future step.

Request tokens from the public faucet

  1. To request funds from the faucet navigate to the following website: Miden faucet website.

  2. Copy the Account ID printed by the miden account -l command in the previous step. Feel free to change the amount of tokens to issue.

  3. Paste this ID into the Request test tokens input field on the faucet website and click Send Private Note.

Tip You can also click Send Public Note. If you do this, the note's details will be public and you will not need to download and import it, so you can skip to Sync the client.

  1. After a few seconds your browser should download - or prompt you to download - a file called note.mno (mno = Miden note). It contains the funds the faucet sent to your address.

  2. Save this file on your computer, you will need it for the next step.

Import the note into the Miden client

  1. Import the private note that you have received using the following commands:

    miden import <path-to-note>/note.mno
  2. You should see something like this:

    Successfully imported note 0x0ff340133840d35e95e0dc2e62c88ed75ab2e383dc6673ce0341bd486fed8cb6
  3. Now that the note has been successfully imported, you can view the note's information using the following command:

    miden notes
  4. You should see something like this:

    Result of viewing miden notes

Tip: The importance of syncing

  • As you can see, the note is listed as Expected.
  • This is because you have received a private note but have not yet synced your view of the rollup to check that the note is the result of a valid transaction.
  • Hence, before consuming the note we will need to update our view of the rollup by syncing.
  • Many users could have received the same private note, but only one user can consume the note in a transaction that gets verified by the Miden operator.

Sync the client

Do this periodically to keep informed about any updates on the node by running the sync command:

miden sync

You will see something like this as output:

State synced to block 179672 New public notes: 0 Tracked notes updated: 1 Tracked notes consumed: 0 Tracked accounts updated: 0 Commited transactions: 0

Consume the note & receive the funds

  1. Now that we have synced the client, the input-note imported from the faucet should have a Committed status, confirming it exists at the rollup level:

    miden notes
  2. You should see something like this:

    Viewing commit height info

  3. Find your account and note id by listing both accounts and notes:

    miden account miden notes
  4. Consume the note and add the funds from its vault to our account using the following command:

    miden consume-notes --account <Account-Id> <Note-Id>
  5. You should see a confirmation message like this:

    Transaction confirmation message

  6. After confirming you can view the new note status by running the following command:

    miden notes
  7. You should see something like this:

    Viewing process info

  8. The note is Processing. This means that the proof of the transaction was sent, but there is no network confirmation yet. You can update your view of the rollup by syncing again:

    miden sync
  9. After syncing, you should have received confirmation of the consumed note. You should see the note as Consumed after listing the notes:

    miden notes

    Viewing consumed note

Amazing! You just have created a client-side zero-knowledge proof locally on your machine and submitted it to the Miden rollup.

Tip You only need to copy the top line of characters of the Note ID.

View confirmations

  1. View your updated account's vault containing the tokens sent by the faucet by running the following command:

    miden account --show <Account-Id>
  2. You should now see your accounts vault containing the funds sent by the faucet.

    Viewing account vault with funds


You have successfully configured and used the Miden client to interact with a Miden rollup and faucet.

You have performed basic Miden rollup operations like submitting proofs of transactions, generating and consuming notes.

For more information on the Miden client, refer to the Miden client documentation.

Debugging tips (clear state and folder)

  • Need a fresh start? All state is maintained in store.sqlite3, located in the directory defined in the miden-client.toml file. If you want to clear all state, delete this file. It recreates on any command execution.

  • Getting an error? Only execute the miden-client command in the folder where your miden-client.toml is located.