1. Overview
  2. Get started
    1. Create an account
    2. P2P private transfer
    3. P2P public transfer
  3. How to
    1. Write a smart contract
    2. Deploy a smart contract
  4. Smart contracts
    1. Miden SDK
    2. Examples
  5. Node
  6. Client
    1. Installation
    2. Features
    3. Design
    4. Library
    5. CLI
      1. Reference
      2. Config
    6. Examples
    7. API
  7. Protocol
    1. Smart contract
    2. Note
    3. Asset
    4. Transaction
    5. State
    6. Blockchain
  8. Tutorials
    1. Miden Node Setup
    2. Rust-Client
      1. Creating Accounts and Faucets
      2. Mint, Consume, and Create Notes
      3. Deploying a Counter Contract
      4. Interacting with Public Smart Contracts
      5. Foreign Procedure Invocation
    3. Web-Client
      1. Creating Accounts and Faucets
      2. Mint, Consume, and Create Notes