Interacting with Public Smart Contracts

Using the Miden client in Rust to interact with public smart contracts on Miden


In the previous tutorial, we built a simple counter contract and deployed it to the Miden testnet. However, we only covered how the contract’s deployer could interact with it. Now, let’s explore how anyone can interact with a public smart contract on Miden.

We’ll retrieve the counter contract’s state from the chain and rebuild it locally so a local transaction can be executed against it. In the near future, Miden will support network transactions, making the process of submitting transactions to public smart contracts much more like traditional blockchains.

Just like in the previous tutorial, we will use a script to invoke the increment function within the counter contract to update the count. However, this tutorial demonstrates how to call a procedure in a smart contract that was deployed by a different user on Miden.

What we'll cover

  • Reading state from a public smart contract
  • Interacting with public smart contracts on Miden


This tutorial assumes you have a basic understanding of Miden assembly and completed the previous tutorial on deploying the counter contract. Although not a requirement, it is recommended to complete the counter contract deployment tutorial before starting this tutorial.

Step 1: Initialize your repository

Create a new Rust repository for your Miden project and navigate to it with the following command:

cargo new miden-counter-contract
cd miden-counter-contract

Add the following dependencies to your Cargo.toml file:

miden-client = { version = "0.7", features = ["testing", "concurrent", "tonic", "sqlite"] }
miden-lib = { version = "0.7", default-features = false }
miden-objects = { version = "0.7.2", default-features = false }
miden-crypto = { version = "0.13.2", features = ["executable"] }
rand = { version = "0.8" }
serde = { version = "1", features = ["derive"] }
serde_json = { version = "1.0", features = ["raw_value"] }
tokio = { version = "1.40", features = ["rt-multi-thread", "net", "macros"] }
rand_chacha = "0.3.1"

Step 2: Build the counter contract

For better code organization, we will separate the Miden assembly code from our Rust code.

Create a directory named masm at the root of your miden-counter-contract directory. This will contain our contract and script masm code.

Initialize the masm directory:

mkdir -p masm/accounts masm/scripts

This will create:

├── accounts/
└── scripts/

Inside of the masm/accounts/ directory, create the counter.masm file:


    # => []
    # => [index]

    # => [count]

    # => []

    # => [index]

    # => [count]
    push.1 add

    # debug statement with client

    # => [count+1]

    # [index, count+1]

    # => []
    push.1 exec.account::incr_nonce

    # => []

Inside of the masm/scripts/ directory, create the counter_script.masm file:

    # => []

Note: We explained in the previous counter contract tutorial what exactly happens at each step in the increment_count procedure.

Step 3: Set up your src/ file

Copy and paste the following code into your src/ file:

use std::{fs, path::Path, sync::Arc};

use rand::Rng;
use rand_chacha::rand_core::SeedableRng;
use rand_chacha::ChaCha20Rng;
use tokio::time::Duration;

use miden_client::{
    account::{Account, AccountCode, AccountId, AccountType},
    rpc::{domain::account::AccountDetails, Endpoint, TonicRpcClient},
    store::{sqlite_store::SqliteStore, StoreAuthenticator},
    transaction::{TransactionKernel, TransactionRequestBuilder},
    Client, ClientError, Felt,

use miden_objects::{
    account::{AccountComponent, AccountStorage, AuthSecretKey, StorageSlot},

pub async fn initialize_client() -> Result<Client<RpoRandomCoin>, ClientError> {
    // RPC endpoint and timeout
    let endpoint = Endpoint::new(
    let timeout_ms = 10_000;

    // Build RPC client
    let rpc_api = Box::new(TonicRpcClient::new(endpoint, timeout_ms));

    // Seed RNG
    let mut seed_rng = rand::thread_rng();
    let coin_seed: [u64; 4] = seed_rng.gen();

    // Create random coin instance
    let rng = RpoRandomCoin::new(;

    // SQLite path
    let store_path = "store.sqlite3";

    // Initialize SQLite store
    let store = SqliteStore::new(store_path.into())
    let arc_store = Arc::new(store);

    // Create authenticator referencing the store and RNG
    let authenticator = StoreAuthenticator::new_with_rng(arc_store.clone(), rng.clone());

    // Instantiate client (toggle debug mode as needed)
    let client = Client::new(rpc_api, rng, arc_store, Arc::new(authenticator), true);


pub fn get_new_pk_and_authenticator() -> (Word, AuthSecretKey) {
    // Create a deterministic RNG with zeroed seed
    let seed = [0_u8; 32];
    let mut rng = ChaCha20Rng::from_seed(seed);

    // Generate Falcon-512 secret key
    let sec_key = SecretKey::with_rng(&mut rng);

    // Convert public key to `Word` (4xFelt)
    let pub_key: Word = sec_key.public_key().into();

    // Wrap secret key in `AuthSecretKey`
    let auth_secret_key = AuthSecretKey::RpoFalcon512(sec_key);

    (pub_key, auth_secret_key)

async fn main() -> Result<(), ClientError> {
    // Initialize client
    let mut client = initialize_client().await?;
    println!("Client initialized successfully.");

    // Fetch latest block from node
    let sync_summary = client.sync_state().await.unwrap();
    println!("Latest block: {}", sync_summary.block_num);


Step 4: Reading public state from a smart contract

To read the public storage state of a smart contract on Miden we either instantiate the TonicRpcClient by itself, or use the test_rpc_api() method on the Client instance. In this example, we will be using the test_rpc_api() method.

We will be reading the public storage state of the counter contract deployed on the testnet at address 0x303dd027d27adc0000012b07dbf1b4.

Add the following code snippet to the end of your src/ function:

fn main() {
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// STEP 1: Read the Public State of the Counter Contract
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
println!("\n[STEP 1] Reading data from public state");

// Define the AccountId of the account to read from
let counter_contract_id = AccountId::from_hex("0x4eedb9db1bdcf90000036bcebfe53a").unwrap();

let account_details = client

let AccountDetails::Public(counter_contract_details, _) = account_details else {
    panic!("counter contract must be public");

// Getting the value of the count from slot 0 and the nonce of the counter contract
let count_value =;
let counter_nonce = counter_contract_details.nonce();

println!("count val: {:?}", count_value.value());
println!("counter nonce: {:?}", counter_nonce);

Run the following command to execute src/

cargo run --release 

After the program executes, you should see the counter contract count value and nonce printed to the terminal, for example:

count val: [0, 0, 0, 5]
counter nonce: 5

Step 5: Building an account from parts

Now that we know the storage state of the counter contract and its nonce, we can build the account from its parts. We know the account ID, asset vault value, the storage layout, account code, and nonce. We need the full account data to interact with it locally. From these values, we can build the counter contract from scratch.

Add the following code snippet to the end of your src/ function:

fn main() {
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// STEP 2: Build the Counter Contract
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
println!("\n[STEP 2] Building the counter contract");

// Load the MASM file for the counter contract
let file_path = Path::new("./masm/accounts/counter.masm");
let account_code = fs::read_to_string(file_path).unwrap();

// Prepare assembler (debug mode = true)
let assembler: Assembler = TransactionKernel::assembler().with_debug_mode(true);

// Compile the account code into `AccountComponent` with the count value returned by the node 
let account_component = AccountComponent::compile(

// Initialize the AccountStorage with the count value returned by the node  
let account_storage =

// Build AccountCode from components
let account_code = AccountCode::from_components(

// The counter contract doesn't have any assets so we pass an empty vector
let vault = AssetVault::new(&[]).unwrap();

// Build the counter contract from parts
let counter_contract = Account::from_parts(

// Since anyone should be able to write to the counter contract, auth_secret_key is not required.
// However, to import to the client, we must generate a random value.
let (_, _auth_secret_key) = get_new_pk_and_authenticator();

    .add_account(&counter_contract.clone(), None, &_auth_secret_key, true)

Step 6: Incrementing the count

This step is exactly the same as in the counter contract deploy tutorial, the only change being that we hardcode the increment_count procedure hash since this value will not change.

Add the following code snippet to the end of your src/ function:

fn main() {
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// STEP 3: Call the Counter Contract with a script
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
println!("\n[STEP 3] Call the increment_count procedure in the counter contract");

// The increment_count procedure hash is constant
let increment_procedure = "0xecd7eb223a5524af0cc78580d96357b298bb0b3d33fe95aeb175d6dab9de2e54";

// Load the MASM script referencing the increment procedure
let file_path = Path::new("./masm/scripts/counter_script.masm");
let original_code = fs::read_to_string(file_path).unwrap();

// Replace the placeholder with the actual procedure call
let replaced_code = original_code.replace("{increment_count}", &increment_procedure);
println!("Final script:\n{}", replaced_code);

// Compile the script
let tx_script = client.compile_tx_script(vec![], &replaced_code).unwrap();

// Build a transaction request with the custom script
let tx_increment_request = TransactionRequestBuilder::new()

// Execute the transaction locally
let tx_result = client
    .new_transaction(, tx_increment_request)

let tx_id = tx_result.executed_transaction().id();
    "View transaction on MidenScan:{:?}",

// Submit transaction to the network
let _ = client.submit_transaction(tx_result).await;

// Wait, then re-sync

// Retrieve updated contract data to see the incremented counter
let account = client.get_account(;
    "counter contract storage: {:?}",


The final src/ file should look like this:

use std::{fs, path::Path, sync::Arc};

use rand::Rng;
use rand_chacha::rand_core::SeedableRng;
use rand_chacha::ChaCha20Rng;
use tokio::time::Duration;

use miden_client::{
    account::{Account, AccountCode, AccountId, AccountType},
    rpc::{domain::account::AccountDetails, Endpoint, TonicRpcClient},
    store::{sqlite_store::SqliteStore, StoreAuthenticator},
    transaction::{TransactionKernel, TransactionRequestBuilder},
    Client, ClientError, Felt,

use miden_objects::{
    account::{AccountComponent, AccountStorage, AuthSecretKey, StorageSlot},

pub async fn initialize_client() -> Result<Client<RpoRandomCoin>, ClientError> {
    // RPC endpoint and timeout
    let endpoint = Endpoint::new(
    let timeout_ms = 10_000;

    // Build RPC client
    let rpc_api = Box::new(TonicRpcClient::new(endpoint, timeout_ms));

    // Seed RNG
    let mut seed_rng = rand::thread_rng();
    let coin_seed: [u64; 4] = seed_rng.gen();

    // Create random coin instance
    let rng = RpoRandomCoin::new(;

    // SQLite path
    let store_path = "store.sqlite3";

    // Initialize SQLite store
    let store = SqliteStore::new(store_path.into())
    let arc_store = Arc::new(store);

    // Create authenticator referencing the store and RNG
    let authenticator = StoreAuthenticator::new_with_rng(arc_store.clone(), rng.clone());

    // Instantiate client (toggle debug mode as needed)
    let client = Client::new(rpc_api, rng, arc_store, Arc::new(authenticator), true);


pub fn get_new_pk_and_authenticator() -> (Word, AuthSecretKey) {
    // Create a deterministic RNG with zeroed seed
    let seed = [0_u8; 32];
    let mut rng = ChaCha20Rng::from_seed(seed);

    // Generate Falcon-512 secret key
    let sec_key = SecretKey::with_rng(&mut rng);

    // Convert public key to `Word` (4xFelt)
    let pub_key: Word = sec_key.public_key().into();

    // Wrap secret key in `AuthSecretKey`
    let auth_secret_key = AuthSecretKey::RpoFalcon512(sec_key);

    (pub_key, auth_secret_key)

async fn main() -> Result<(), ClientError> {
    // Initialize client
    let mut client = initialize_client().await?;
    println!("Client initialized successfully.");

    // Fetch latest block from node
    let sync_summary = client.sync_state().await.unwrap();
    println!("Latest block: {}", sync_summary.block_num);

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // STEP 1: Read the Public State of the Counter Contract
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    println!("\n[STEP 1] Reading data from public state");

    // Define the Counter Contract account id from counter contract deploy
    let counter_contract_id = AccountId::from_hex("0x4eedb9db1bdcf90000036bcebfe53a").unwrap();

    let account_details = client

    let AccountDetails::Public(counter_contract_details, _) = account_details else {
        panic!("counter contract must be public");

    // Getting the value of the count from slot 0 and the nonce of the counter contract
    let count_value =;
    let counter_nonce = counter_contract_details.nonce();

    println!("count val: {:?}", count_value.value());
    println!("counter nonce: {:?}", counter_nonce);

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // STEP 2: Build the Counter Contract
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    println!("\n[STEP 2] Building the counter contract");

    // Load the MASM file for the counter contract
    let file_path = Path::new("./masm/accounts/counter.masm");
    let account_code = fs::read_to_string(file_path).unwrap();

    // Prepare assembler (debug mode = true)
    let assembler: Assembler = TransactionKernel::assembler().with_debug_mode(true);

    // Compile the account code into `AccountComponent` with the count value returned by the node
    let account_component = AccountComponent::compile(

    // Initialize the AccountStorage with the count value returned by the node
    let account_storage =

    // Build AccountCode from components
    let account_code = AccountCode::from_components(

    // The counter contract doesn't have any assets so we pass an empty vector
    let vault = AssetVault::new(&[]).unwrap();

    // Build the counter contract from parts
    let counter_contract = Account::from_parts(

    // Since anyone should be able to write to the counter contract, auth_secret_key is not required.
    // However, to import to the client, we must generate a random value.
    let (_, _auth_secret_key) = get_new_pk_and_authenticator();

        .add_account(&counter_contract.clone(), None, &_auth_secret_key, true)

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // STEP 3: Call the Counter Contract with a script
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    println!("\n[STEP 3] Call the increment_count procedure in the counter contract");

    // The increment_count procedure hash is constant
    let increment_procedure = "0xecd7eb223a5524af0cc78580d96357b298bb0b3d33fe95aeb175d6dab9de2e54";

    // Load the MASM script referencing the increment procedure
    let file_path = Path::new("./masm/scripts/counter_script.masm");
    let original_code = fs::read_to_string(file_path).unwrap();

    // Replace the placeholder with the actual procedure call
    let replaced_code = original_code.replace("{increment_count}", &increment_procedure);
    println!("Final script:\n{}", replaced_code);

    // Compile the script
    let tx_script = client.compile_tx_script(vec![], &replaced_code).unwrap();

    // Build a transaction request with the custom script
    let tx_increment_request = TransactionRequestBuilder::new()

    // Execute the transaction locally
    let tx_result = client
        .new_transaction(, tx_increment_request)

    let tx_id = tx_result.executed_transaction().id();
        "View transaction on MidenScan:{:?}",

    // Submit transaction to the network
    let _ = client.submit_transaction(tx_result).await;

    // Wait, then re-sync

    // Retrieve updated contract data to see the incremented counter
    let account = client.get_account(;
        "counter contract storage: {:?}",


Run the following command to execute src/

cargo run --release 

The output of our program will look something like this depending on the current count value in the smart contract:

Client initialized successfully.
Latest block: 242342

[STEP 1] Building counter contract from public state
count val: [0, 0, 0, 1]
counter nonce: 1

[STEP 2] Call the increment_count procedure in the counter contract
Procedure 1: "0x92495ca54d519eb5e4ba22350f837904d3895e48d74d8079450f19574bb84cb6"
Procedure 2: "0xecd7eb223a5524af0cc78580d96357b298bb0b3d33fe95aeb175d6dab9de2e54"
number of procedures: 2
Final script:
    # => []
Stack state before step 1812:
├──  0: 2
├──  1: 0
├──  2: 0
├──  3: 0
├──  4: 0
├──  5: 0
├──  6: 0
├──  7: 0
├──  8: 0
├──  9: 0
├── 10: 0
├── 11: 0
├── 12: 0
├── 13: 0
├── 14: 0
├── 15: 0
├── 16: 0
├── 17: 0
├── 18: 0
└── 19: 0

View transaction on MidenScan:
counter contract storage: Ok(RpoDigest([0, 0, 0, 2]))

Running the example

To run the full example, navigate to the rust-client directory in the miden-tutorials repository and run this command:

cd rust-client
cargo run --release --bin counter_contract_increment

Continue learning

Next tutorial: Foreign Procedure Invocation