Mint, Consume, and Create Notes

Using the Miden client in Rust to mint, consume, and create notes


In the previous section, we initialized our repository and covered how to create an account and deploy a faucet. In this section, we will mint tokens from the faucet for Alice, consume the newly created notes, and demonstrate how to send assets to other accounts.

What we'll cover

  • Minting tokens from a faucet
  • Consuming notes to fund an account
  • Sending tokens to other users

Step 1: Minting tokens from the faucet

To mint notes with tokens from the faucet we created, Alice needs to call the faucet with a mint transaction request.

In essence, a transaction request is a structured template that outlines the data required to generate a zero-knowledge proof of a state change of an account. It specifies which input notes (if any) will be consumed, includes an optional transaction script to execute, and enumerates the set of notes expected to be created (if any).

Below is an example of a transaction request minting tokens from the faucet for Alice. This code snippet will create 5 transaction mint transaction requests.

Add this snippet to the end of your file in the main() function that we created in the previous chapter:

fn main() {
// STEP 3: Mint 5 notes of 100 tokens for Alice
println!("\n[STEP 3] Minting 5 notes of 100 tokens each for Alice.");

let amount: u64 = 100;
let fungible_asset = FungibleAsset::new(, amount).unwrap();

for i in 1..=5 {
    let transaction_request = TransactionRequestBuilder::mint_fungible_asset(
    let tx_execution_result = client
        .new_transaction(, transaction_request)

    println!("Minted note #{} of {} tokens for Alice.", i, amount);
println!("All 5 notes minted for Alice successfully!");

// Re-sync so minted notes become visible

Step 2: Identifying consumable notes

Once Alice has minted a note from the faucet, she will eventually want to spend the tokens that she received in the note created by the mint transaction.

Minting a note from a faucet on Miden means a faucet account creates a new note targeted to the requesting account. The requesting account needs to consume this new note to have the assets appear in their account.

To identify consumable notes, the Miden client provides the get_consumable_notes function. Before calling it, ensure that the client state is synced.

Tip: If you know how many notes to expect after a transaction, use an await or loop condition to check how many notes of the type you expect are available for consumption instead of using a set timeout before calling get_consumable_notes. This ensures your application isn't idle for longer than necessary.

Identifying which notes are available:

fn main() {
let consumable_notes = client.get_consumable_notes(Some(;

Step 3: Consuming multiple notes in a single transaction:

Now that we know how to identify notes ready to consume, let's consume the notes created by the faucet in a single transaction. After consuming the notes, Alice's wallet balance will be updated.

The following code snippet identifies consumable notes and consumes them in a single transaction.

Add this snippet to the end of your file in the main() function:

// STEP 4: Alice consumes all her notes
println!("\n[STEP 4] Alice will now consume all of her notes to consolidate them.");

// Consume all minted notes in a single transaction
loop {
    // Resync to get the latest data

    let consumable_notes = client
    let list_of_note_ids: Vec<_> = consumable_notes.iter().map(|(note, _)|;

    if list_of_note_ids.len() == 5 {
        println!("Found 5 consumable notes for Alice. Consuming them now...");
        let transaction_request =
        let tx_execution_result = client
            .new_transaction(, transaction_request)

        println!("All of Alice's notes consumed successfully.");
    } else {
            "Currently, Alice has {} consumable notes. Waiting for 5...",

Step 4: Sending tokens to other accounts

After consuming the notes, Alice has tokens in her wallet. Now, she wants to send tokens to her friends. She has two options: create a separate transaction for each transfer or batch multiple transfers into a single transaction.

The standard asset transfer note on Miden is the P2ID note (Pay to Id). There is also the P2IDR (Pay to Id Reclaimable) variant which allows the creator of the note to reclaim the note after a certain block height.

In our example, Alice will now send 50 tokens to 5 different accounts.

For the sake of the example, the first four P2ID transfers are handled in a single transaction, and the fifth transfer is a standard P2ID transfer.

Output multiple P2ID notes in a single transaction

To output multiple notes in a single transaction we need to create a list of our expected output notes. The expected output notes are the notes that we expect to create in our transaction request.

In the snippet below, we create an empty vector to store five P2ID output notes, loop over five iterations (using 0..=4) to create five unique dummy account IDs, build a P2ID note for each one, and push each note onto the vector. Finally, we build a transaction request using .with_own_output_notes()—passing in all five notes—and submit it to the node.

Add this snippet to the end of your file in the main() function:

// STEP 5: Alice sends 5 notes of 50 tokens to 5 users
println!("\n[STEP 5] Alice sends 5 notes of 50 tokens each to 5 different users.");

// Send 50 tokens to 4 accounts in one transaction
println!("Creating multiple P2ID notes for 4 target accounts in one transaction...");
let mut p2id_notes = vec![];
for _ in 1..=4 {
    let init_seed = {
        let mut seed = [0u8; 15];
        rand::thread_rng().fill(&mut seed);
        seed[0] = 99u8;
    let target_account_id = AccountId::dummy(

    let send_amount = 50;
    let fungible_asset = FungibleAsset::new(, send_amount).unwrap();

    let p2id_note = create_p2id_note(,
let output_notes: Vec<OutputNote> = p2id_notes.into_iter().map(OutputNote::Full).collect();

let transaction_request = TransactionRequestBuilder::new()

let tx_execution_result = client
    .new_transaction(, transaction_request)

println!("Submitted a transaction with 4 P2ID notes.");

Basic P2ID transfer

Now as an example, Alice will send some tokens to an account in a single transaction.

Add this snippet to the end of your file in the main() function:

// Send 50 tokens to 1 more account as a single P2ID transaction
println!("Submitting one more single P2ID transaction...");
let init_seed = {
    let mut seed = [0u8; 15];
    rand::thread_rng().fill(&mut seed);
    seed[0] = 99u8;
let target_account_id = AccountId::dummy(

let send_amount = 50;
let fungible_asset = FungibleAsset::new(, send_amount).unwrap();

let payment_transaction = PaymentTransactionData::new(
let transaction_request = TransactionRequestBuilder::pay_to_id(
    None,             // recall_height
    NoteType::Public, // note type
    client.rng(),     // rng
let tx_execution_result = client
    .new_transaction(, transaction_request)


Note: In a production environment do not use AccountId::new_dummy(), this is simply for the sake of the tutorial example.


Your src/ function should now look like this:

use miden_client::{
        component::{BasicFungibleFaucet, BasicWallet, RpoFalcon512},
        AccountBuilder, AccountId, AccountStorageMode, AccountType,
    asset::{FungibleAsset, TokenSymbol},
    crypto::{RpoRandomCoin, SecretKey},
    rpc::{Endpoint, TonicRpcClient},
    store::{sqlite_store::SqliteStore, StoreAuthenticator},
    transaction::{OutputNote, PaymentTransactionData, TransactionRequestBuilder},
    Client, ClientError, Felt,
use miden_lib::note::create_p2id_note;
use miden_objects::account::AccountIdVersion;

use rand::Rng;
use std::sync::Arc;
use tokio::time::Duration;

pub async fn initialize_client() -> Result<Client<RpoRandomCoin>, ClientError> {
    // RPC endpoint and timeout
    let endpoint = Endpoint::new("http".to_string(), "localhost".to_string(), Some(57291));
    let timeout_ms = 10_000;

    // Build RPC client
    let rpc_api = Box::new(TonicRpcClient::new(endpoint, timeout_ms));

    // Seed RNG
    let mut seed_rng = rand::thread_rng();
    let coin_seed: [u64; 4] = seed_rng.gen();

    // Create random coin instance
    let rng = RpoRandomCoin::new(;

    // SQLite path
    let store_path = "store.sqlite3";

    // Initialize SQLite store
    let store = SqliteStore::new(store_path.into())
    let arc_store = Arc::new(store);

    // Create authenticator referencing the same store and RNG
    let authenticator = StoreAuthenticator::new_with_rng(arc_store.clone(), rng.clone());

    // Instantiate the client. Toggle `in_debug_mode` as needed
    let client = Client::new(rpc_api, rng, arc_store, Arc::new(authenticator), true);


async fn main() -> Result<(), ClientError> {
    let mut client = initialize_client().await?;
    println!("Client initialized successfully.");

    let sync_summary = client.sync_state().await.unwrap();
    let block_number = sync_summary.block_num;
    println!("Latest block number: {}", block_number);

    // STEP 1: Create a basic wallet for Alice
    println!("\n[STEP 1] Creating a new account for Alice");

    // Account seed
    let mut init_seed = [0u8; 32];
    client.rng().fill_bytes(&mut init_seed);

    // Generate key pair
    let key_pair = SecretKey::with_rng(client.rng());

    // Anchor block
    let anchor_block = client.get_latest_epoch_block().await.unwrap();

    // Build the account
    let builder = AccountBuilder::new(init_seed)

    let (alice_account, seed) =;

    // Add the account to the client

    println!("Alice's account ID: {:?}",;

    // STEP 2: Deploy a fungible faucet
    println!("\n[STEP 2] Deploying a new fungible faucet.");

    // Faucet seed
    let mut init_seed = [0u8; 32];
    client.rng().fill_bytes(&mut init_seed);

    // Faucet parameters
    let symbol = TokenSymbol::new("MID").unwrap();
    let decimals = 8;
    let max_supply = Felt::new(1_000_000);

    // Generate key pair
    let key_pair = SecretKey::with_rng(client.rng());

    // Build the account
    let builder = AccountBuilder::new(init_seed)
        .with_component(BasicFungibleFaucet::new(symbol, decimals, max_supply).unwrap());

    let (faucet_account, seed) =;

    // Add the faucet to the client

    println!("Faucet account ID: {:?}",;

    // Resync to show newly deployed faucet

    // STEP 3: Mint 5 notes of 100 tokens for Alice
    println!("\n[STEP 3] Minting 5 notes of 100 tokens each for Alice.");

    let amount: u64 = 100;
    let fungible_asset = FungibleAsset::new(, amount).unwrap();

    for i in 1..=5 {
        let transaction_request = TransactionRequestBuilder::mint_fungible_asset(
        let tx_execution_result = client
            .new_transaction(, transaction_request)

        println!("Minted note #{} of {} tokens for Alice.", i, amount);
    println!("All 5 notes minted for Alice successfully!");

    // Re-sync so minted notes become visible

    // STEP 4: Alice consumes all her notes
    println!("\n[STEP 4] Alice will now consume all of her notes to consolidate them.");

    // Consume all minted notes in a single transaction
    loop {
        // Resync to get the latest data

        let consumable_notes = client
        let list_of_note_ids: Vec<_> = consumable_notes.iter().map(|(note, _)|;

        if list_of_note_ids.len() == 5 {
            println!("Found 5 consumable notes for Alice. Consuming them now...");
            let transaction_request =
            let tx_execution_result = client
                .new_transaction(, transaction_request)

            println!("All of Alice's notes consumed successfully.");
        } else {
                "Currently, Alice has {} consumable notes. Waiting for 5...",

    // STEP 5: Alice sends 5 notes of 50 tokens to 5 users
    println!("\n[STEP 5] Alice sends 5 notes of 50 tokens each to 5 different users.");

    // Send 50 tokens to 4 accounts in one transaction
    println!("Creating multiple P2ID notes for 4 target accounts in one transaction...");
    let mut p2id_notes = vec![];
    for _ in 1..=4 {
        let init_seed = {
            let mut seed = [0u8; 15];
            rand::thread_rng().fill(&mut seed);
            seed[0] = 99u8;
        let target_account_id = AccountId::dummy(

        let send_amount = 50;
        let fungible_asset = FungibleAsset::new(, send_amount).unwrap();

        let p2id_note = create_p2id_note(
    let output_notes: Vec<OutputNote> = p2id_notes.into_iter().map(OutputNote::Full).collect();

    let transaction_request = TransactionRequestBuilder::new()

    let tx_execution_result = client
        .new_transaction(, transaction_request)

    println!("Submitted a transaction with 4 P2ID notes.");

    // Send 50 tokens to 1 more account as a single P2ID transaction
    println!("Submitting one more single P2ID transaction...");
    let init_seed = {
        let mut seed = [0u8; 15];
        rand::thread_rng().fill(&mut seed);
        seed[0] = 99u8;
    let target_account_id = AccountId::dummy(

    let send_amount = 50;
    let fungible_asset = FungibleAsset::new(, send_amount).unwrap();

    let payment_transaction = PaymentTransactionData::new(
    let transaction_request = TransactionRequestBuilder::pay_to_id(
        None,             // recall_height
        NoteType::Public, // note type
        client.rng(),     // rng
    let tx_execution_result = client
        .new_transaction(, transaction_request)


    println!("\nAll steps completed successfully!");
    println!("Alice created a wallet, a faucet was deployed,");
    println!("5 notes of 100 tokens were minted to Alice, those notes were consumed,");
    println!("and then Alice sent 5 separate 50-token notes to 5 different users.");


Let's run the src/ program again:

cargo run --release 

The output will look like this:

Client initialized successfully.
Latest block number: 1519

[STEP 1] Creating a new account for Alice
Alice's account ID: "0xd0e8ba5acf2e83100000887188d2b9"

[STEP 2] Deploying a new fungible faucet.
Faucet account ID: "0xcdf877e221333a2000002e2b7ff0b2"

[STEP 3] Minting 5 notes of 100 tokens each for Alice.
Minted note #1 of 100 tokens for Alice.
Minted note #2 of 100 tokens for Alice.
Minted note #3 of 100 tokens for Alice.
Minted note #4 of 100 tokens for Alice.
Minted note #5 of 100 tokens for Alice.
All 5 notes minted for Alice successfully!

[STEP 4] Alice will now consume all of her notes to consolidate them.
Currently, Alice has 1 consumable notes. Waiting for 5...
Currently, Alice has 4 consumable notes. Waiting for 5...
Found 5 consumable notes for Alice. Consuming them now...
one or more warnings were emitted
All of Alice's notes consumed successfully.

[STEP 5] Alice sends 5 notes of 50 tokens each to 5 different users.
Creating multiple P2ID notes for 4 target accounts in one transaction...
Submitted a transaction with 4 P2ID notes.
Submitting one more single P2ID transaction...

All steps completed successfully!
Alice created a wallet, a faucet was deployed,
5 notes of 100 tokens were minted to Alice, those notes were consumed,
and then Alice sent 5 separate 50-token notes to 5 different users.

Running the example

To run a full working example navigate to the rust-client directory in the miden-tutorials repository and run this command:

cd rust-client
cargo run --release --bin create_mint_consume_send

Continue learning

Next tutorial: Deploying a Counter Contract