Context overview
Miden assembly program execution, the code the transaction kernel runs, spans multiple isolated contexts. An execution context defines its own memory space which is inaccessible from other execution contexts. Note scripts cannot directly write to account data, which should only be possible if the account exposes relevant functions.
Specific contexts
The kernel program always starts executing from a root context. Thus, the prologue sets the memory for the root context. To move execution into a different context, the kernel invokes a procedure using the call
or dyncall
instruction. In fact, any time the kernel invokes a procedure using the call
instruction, it executes in a new context.
While executing in a note, account, or transaction (tx) script context, the kernel executes some procedures in the kernel context, where all necessary information is stored during the prologue. The kernel switches context via the syscall
instruction. The set of procedures invoked via the syscall
instruction is limited by the transaction kernel API. When the procedure called via syscall
returns, execution moves back to the note, account, or tx script where it was invoked.
Context switches
The above diagram shows different context switches in a simple transaction. In this example, an account consumes a P2ID note and receives the asset into its vault. As with any MASM program, the transaction kernel program starts in the root context. It executes the prologue and stores all necessary information into the root memory.
The next step, note processing, starts with a dyncall
which invokes the note script. This command moves execution into a different context (1). In this new context, the note has no access to the kernel memory. After a successful ID check, which changes back to the kernel context twice to get the note inputs and the account ID, the script executes the add_note_assets_to_account
# Pay-to-ID script: adds all assets from the note to the account, assuming ID of the account
# matches target account ID specified by the note inputs.
# ...
... <check correct ID>
# => [...]
The procedure cannot simply add assets to the account, because it is executed in a note context. Therefore, it needs to call
the account interface. This moves execution into a second context - account context - isolated from the note context (2).
#! Helper procedure to add all assets of a note to an account.
#! ...
# load the asset
# => [ASSET, ptr, end_ptr, ...]
# pad the stack before call
padw swapw padw padw swapdw
# => [ASSET, pad(12), ptr, end_ptr, ...]
# add asset to the account
# => [pad(16), ptr, end_ptr, ...]
# clean the stack after call
dropw dropw dropw
# => [0, 0, 0, 0, ptr, end_ptr, ...]
The wallet smart contract provides an interface that accounts use to receive and send assets. In this new context, the wallet calls the add_asset
procedure of the account API.
The account API exposes procedures to manage accounts. This particular procedure, called by the wallet, invokes a syscall
to return back to the root context (3), where the account vault is stored in memory (see prologue). Procedures defined in the Kernel API should be invoked with syscall
using the corresponding procedure offset and the exec_kernel_proc
kernel procedure.
#! Add the specified asset to the vault.
#! ...
Now, the asset can be safely added to the vault within the kernel context, and the note can be successfully processed.