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Developing Miden programs in Rust

This chapter will walk through how to develop Miden programs in Rust using the standard library provided by the miden-stdlib-sys crate (see the README.

Getting started

Import the standard library from the miden-stdlib-sys crate:

use miden_stdlib_sys::*;

Using Felt (field element) type

The Felt type is a field element type that is used to represent the field element values of the Miden VM.

To initialize a Felt value from an integer constant checking the range at compile time, use the felt! macro:

let a = felt!(42);

Otherwise, use the Felt::new constructor:

let a = Felt::new(some_integer_var).unwrap();

The constructor returns an error if the value is not a valid field element, e.g. if it is not in the range 0..=M where M is the modulus of the field (2^64 - 2^32 + 1).

The Felt type implements the standard arithmetic operations, e.g. addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, etc. which are accessible through the standard Rust operators +, -, *, /, etc. All arithmetic operations are wrapping, i.e. performed modulo M.

TODO: Add examples of using operations on Felt type and available functions (assert*, etc.).