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Known limitations


See the issue tracker for information on known bugs. This document focuses on missing/incomplete features, rather than bugs.

The compiler is still in its early stages of development, so there are various features that are unimplemented, or only partially implemented, and the test suite is still limited in scope, so we are still finding bugs on a regular basis. We are rapidly improving this situation, but it is important to be aware of this when using the compiler.

The features discussed below are broken up into sections, to make them easier to navigate and reference.

Rust language support

Floating point types

  • Status: Unsupported
  • Tracking Issue: N/A
  • Release Milestone: N/A

In order to represent Felt “natively” in Rust, we were forced to piggy-back on the f32 type, which is propagated through to WebAssembly, and allows us to handle those values specially.

As a result, floating-point types in Rust are not supported at all. Any attempt to use them will result in a compilation error. We considered this a fair design tradeoff, as floating point math is unused/rare in the context in which Miden is used, in comparison to fixed-point or field arithmetic. In addition, implementing floating-point operations in software on the Miden VM would be extraordinarily expensive, which generally works against the purpose for using floats in the first place.

At this point in time, we have no plans to support floats, but this may change if we are able to find a better/more natural representation for Felt in WebAssembly.

Function call indirection

  • Status: Unimplemented
  • Tracking Issue: #32
  • Release Milestone: Beta 1

This feature corresponds to call_indirect in WebAssembly, and is associated with Rust features such as trait objects (which use indirection to call trait methods), and closures. Note that the Rust compiler is able to erase the indirection associated with certain abstractions statically in some cases, shown below. If Rust is unable to statically resolve all call targets, then midenc will raise an error when it encounters any use of call_indirect.


The following examples rely on rustc/LLVM inlining enough code to be able to convert indirect calls to direct calls. This may require you to enable link-time optimization with lto = "fat" and compile all of the code in the crate together with codegen-units = 1, in order to maximize the amount of inlining that can occur. Even then, it may not be possible to remove some forms of indirection, in which case you will need to find another workaround.

Iterator lowered to loop

pub fn is_zeroed(bytes: &[u8; 32]) -> bool {
    // Rust is able to convert this to a loop, erasing the closure completely
    bytes.iter().copied().all(|b| b == 0)

Monomorphization + inlining

pub fn call<F, T>(fun: F) -> T
    F: Fn() -> T,

pub fn foo() -> bool { true }

fn main() {
    // Rust is able to inline the body of `call` after monomorphization, which results in
    // the call to `foo` being resolved statically.

Inlined trait impl

pub trait Foo {
    fn is_foo(&self) -> bool;

impl Foo for u32 {
    fn is_foo(&self) -> bool { true }

fn has_foo(items: &[dyn Foo]) -> bool {
    items.iter().any(|item| item.is_foo())

fn main() -> u32 {
    // Rust inlines `has_foo`, converts the iterator chain to a loop, and is able to realize
    // that the `dyn Foo` items are actually `u32`, and resolves the call to `is_foo` to
    // `<u32 as Foo>::is_foo`.
    let foo: &dyn Foo = &u32::MAX as &dyn Foo;
    has_foo(&[foo]) as u32

Miden SDK

  • Status: Incomplete
  • Tracking Issue: #159 and #158
  • Release Milestone: Beta 1

The Miden SDK for Rust, is a Rust crate that provides the implementation of native Miden types, as well as bindings to the Miden standard library and transaction kernel APIs.

Currently, only a very limited subset of the API surface has had bindings implemented. This means that there is a fair amount of native Miden functionality that is not yet available from Rust. We will be expanding the SDK rapidly over the next few weeks and months, but for the time being, if you encounter a missing API that you need, let us know, so we can ensure it is prioritized above APIs which are lesser used.

Rust/Miden FFI (foreign function interface) and interop

  • Status: Internal Use Only
  • Tracking Issue: #304
  • Release Milestone: TBD

While the compiler has functionality to link against native Miden Assembly libraries, binding against procedures exported from those libraries from Rust can require glue code to be emitted by the compiler in some cases, and the set of procedures for which this is done is currently restricted to a hardcoded whitelist of known Miden procedures.

This affects any procedure which returns a type larger than u32 (excluding Felt, which for this purpose has the same size). For example, returing a Miden Word from a procedure, a common return type, is not compatible with Rust’s ABI - it will attempt to generate code which allocates stack space in the caller, which it expects the callee to write to, inserting a new parameter at the start of the parameter list, and expecting nothing to be returned by value. The compiler handles situations like these using a set of ABI “transformation strategies”, which lift/lower differences between the Rust and Miden ABIs at call boundaries.

To expose the FFI machinery for use with any Miden procedure, we need type signatures for those procedures at a minimum, and in some cases we may require details of the calling convention/ABI. This metadata does not currently exist, but is on the roadmap for inclusion into Miden Assembly and Miden packaging. Once present, we can open up the FFI for general use.

Core Miden functionality

Dynamic procedure invocation

  • Status: Unimplemented
  • Tracking Issue: #32
  • Release Milestone: Beta 1

This is a dependency of Function Call Indirection described above, and is the mechanism by which we can perform indirect calls in Miden. In order to implement support for indirect calls in the Wasm frontend, we need underlying support for dynexec, which is not yet implemented.

This feature adds support for lowering indirect calls to dynexec or dyncall instructions, depending on the ABI of the callee. dyncall has an additional dependency on support for Cross-Context Procedure Invocation.

A known issue with this feature is that dyn(exec|call) consumes a word on the operand stack for the hash of the callee being invoked, but this word remains on the stack when entering the callee, which has the effect of requiring procedures to have a different ABI depending on whether they expect to be dynamically-invoked or not.

Our solution to that issue is to generate stubs which are used as the target of dyn(exec|call), the body of which drop the callee hash, fix up the operand stack as necessary, and then uses a simple exec or call to invoke the “real” callee. We will emit a single stub for every function which has its “address” taken, and use the hash of the stub in place of the actual callee hash.

Cross-context procedure invocation

  • Status: Unimplemented
  • Tracking Issue: #303
  • Release Milestone: Beta 2

This is required in order to support representing Miden accounts and note scripts in Rust, and compilation to Miden Assembly.

Currently, you can write code in Rust that is very close to how accounts and note scripts will look like in the language, but it is not possible to actually implement either of those in Rust today. The reasons for this are covered in depth in the tracking issue linked above, but to briefly summarize, the primary issue has to do with the fact that Rust programs are compiled for a “shared-everything” environment, i.e. you can pass references to memory from caller to callee, write to caller memory from the callee, etc. In Miden however, contexts are “shared-nothing” units of isolation, and thus cross-context operations, such as performing a call from a note script to a method on an account, are not compatible with the usual calling conventions used by Rust and LLVM.

The solution to this relies on compiling the Rust code for the wasm32-wasip2 target, which emits a new kind of WebAssembly module, known as a component. These components adhere to the rules of the WebAssembly Component Model. Of primary interest to us, is the fact that components in this model are “shared-nothing”, and the ABI used to communicate across component boundaries, is specially designed to enforce shared-nothing semantics on caller and callee. In addition to compiling for a specific Wasm target, we also rely on some additional tooling for describing component interfaces, types, and to generate Rust bindings for those descriptions, to ensure that calls across the boundary remain opaque, even to the linker, which ensures that the assumptions of the caller and callee with regard to what address space they operate in are preserved (i.e. a callee can never be inlined into the caller, and thus end up executing in the caller’s context rather than the expected callee context).

This is one of our top priorities, as it is critical to being able to use Rust to compile code for the Miden rollup, but it is also the most complex feature on our roadmap, hence why it is scheduled for our Beta 2 milestone, rather than Beta 1 (the next release), as it depends on multiple other subfeatures being implemented first.


Package format

  • Status: Experimental
  • Tracking Issue: #121
  • Release Milestone: Beta 1

This feature represents the ability to compile and distribute a single artifact that contains the compiled MAST, and all required and optional metadata to make linking against, and executing packages as convenient as a dynamic library or executable.

The compiler currently produces, by default, an experimental implementation of a package format that meets the minimum requirements to support libraries and programs compiled from Rust:

  • Name and semantic version information
  • Content digest
  • The compiled MAST and metadata about the procedures exported from it
  • Read-only data segments and their hashes (if needed by the program, used to load data into the advice provider when a program is loaded, and to write those segments into linear memory when the program starts)
  • Dependency information (optional, specifies what libraries were linked against during compilation)
  • Debug information (optional)

However, this package format is not yet understood by the Miden VM itself. This means you cannot, currently, compile a package and then run it using miden run directly. Instead, you can use midenc run to load and run code from a package, as the compiler ships with the VM embedded for use with the interactive debugger, and provides native support for packaging on top of it. You can also use midenc debug to execute your program interactively in the debugger, depending on your needs. See Debugging Programs for more information on how to use the debugger, and midenc help run for more information on executing programs with the midenc run command.

While it is possible to emit raw MAST from midenc, rather than the experimental package format, the resulting artifact cannot be run without some fragile and error-prone manual setup, in order to ensure that the advice provider is correctly initialized with any read-only data segments. For now, it is recommended that you use the midenc tooling for testing programs, until the format is stabilized.